MediaCP – A Feature Rich Streaming Control Panel

This it the product I am currently using for my streaming control panel and stream hosting service “”. I am not an affiliate of MediaCP. I use it to host my audio streaming clients but it is also has a version that includes video streaming platform.
Table of Contents
An Attractive and Efficient Graphical Interface for Admins and Clients.
One of the reasons I chose MediaCP for my streaming control panel over Centovacast is the GUI. Font and image size matters to me as I wear glasses. Now to be clear I am writing this review without my glasses on and can see things just fine. I do not have enlarged text or anything but default screen settings. Still MediaCP uses larger fonts, larger icons, and over all is just a more attractive hosting control panel in my opinion. Like it says in the title, MediaCP is a feature rich streaming control panel!

Installing MediaCP
Presently I have MediaCP installed on a VPS I have with IONOS. Just for the record I am an affiliate of IONOS. I could go on and on about them but this is not the post for that. Back MediaCP.
So Installation is very straightforward. You will need a domain name as licensing and setup requires one. It will work with a subdomain. I installed Debian 12 which is the recommended distribution. Then I updated Debian and installed ConfigServer, (CSF), firewall. Note that Debian is installed with out any services such as Apache, MySQL, Mail etc.
MediaCP will give you very clear installation instructions at their website. It requires you now how to login to SSH and use the command line. They will install it for you free if you need them to. How can you beat that? They also offer other install features at a reasonable fee such as configure your own SLL certificate.
By default MediaCP automatically installs a Let’s Encrypt SLL certificate. Installation takes a bit of time so be patient. If you keep your command line window visible it will show progress bars and percentages of progress for each stage of the installation. If I can install this so can you! Remember they will install it for you free. Centovacast will charge you $70.00 for installation service.
Also I want to inform you that I found Centovacast very frustrating when it came to installation. It was a straightforward install on Centos 7 but Centos 7 is no longer supported. Debian 10 seemed to work most of the time but I personally had issues with Debian 11, and 12. Same with Ubuntu, and Almalinux. It was exhausting. If you have any comments on this please share them.
Does MediaCP Need To Be A Stand-alone Install?
For your information I actually installed Plesk control panel on my IONOS VPS and then I installed MediaCP. It installed absolutely fine. Now I did not attempt to see if all the services for MediaCP were working such as SMTP, (mail), and FTP. Since I intended to sell some very inexpensive Icecast and Shoutcast streaming plans I chose to not risk it and dedicate a VPS to it.
How Much Does MediaCP Cost?
First off you are given two choices. You can choose to pay in US dollars or EUROs and you can choose to pay monthly or yearly. If you choose yearly billing you get two months free.
MediaCP is on par with the price of Centovacast. MediaCP is a few dollars more but has free installation service. Here the current pricing as of the date of this post. Forgive me for the burly image. If you enlarge it it is readable.

AutoDJ & Live Broadcast Are Both Available Streaming Options
AudoDJ is not mindless as there are scheduling features included with MediaCP.

Drag and Drop Media as well as FTP uploading of songs makes building your online catalog easy.

And The List of Features Goes On!
Here are more features you will find in MediaCP streaming control panel.
- Security & Protection
- Reseller Capabilities
- Billing and Automation with WHMCS, Blesta, and Clientexec
- Free Modern HTML5 Player
- A Dedicated Public Station Page
- Live Recording
- Website Widgets
- Region Lock
- Multilingual
- Reporting
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